This project is based on LightRAG. It serves as the bridge between the LightRAG logic (with some differences and improvements), and postgresql as a vector and text storage. The graph tool is still networkx.
As the paper says:
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems enhance large language models (LLMs) by integrating external knowledge sources, enabling more accurate and contextually relevant responses tailored to user needs. However, existing RAG
systems have significant limitations, including reliance on flat data representations and inadequate contextual awareness, which can lead to fragmented answers that fail to capture complex inter-dependencies. To address these challenges, we propose LightRAG, which incorporates graph structures into text indexing and retrieval processes
We only need to define 3 models:
In lightrag, the entities and relationships are transformed into vectors to perform similarity search over to retrieve the most relevant chunks to the given query. To do so in postgres, we need pgvector
. The Dockerfile image:
FROM postgres:16 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ build-essential \ postgresql-server-dev-16 \ wget \ unzip \ git \ clang \ ca-certificates \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN cd /tmp \ && git clone --branch v0.5.1 \ && cd pgvector \ && make \ && make install COPY ./init.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
Where the init.sql:
The database schema is defined as:
class Chunk(Base): __tablename__ = "chunk" chunk_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, index=True, default=uuid.uuid4) text = Column(Text, nullable=False) chunk_embedding = Column(Vector(1536)) hash = Column(String, nullable=False, index=True) chunk_entities = relationship("Entity", back_populates="entity_chunk", cascade='all, delete-orphan') chunk_relationships = relationship("Relationship", back_populates="relationship_chunk", cascade='all, delete-orphan') class Entity(Base): __tablename__ = "entity" entity_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, index=True, default=uuid.uuid4) hash = Column(String, nullable=False, index=True) entity_name = Column(String, nullable=False) entity_type = Column(String, nullable=True, default="unknown") description = Column(String, nullable=False) entity_embedding = Column(Vector(1536)) chunk_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey("chunk.chunk_id", ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False) entity_chunk = relationship("Chunk", foreign_keys=[chunk_id], back_populates="chunk_entities") sources = relationship("Relationship", back_populates="source_entity", foreign_keys="[Relationship.source_id]", uselist=True) targets = relationship("Relationship", back_populates="target_entity", foreign_keys="[Relationship.target_id]", uselist=True) class Relationship(Base): __tablename__ = "relationship" relationship_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, index=True, default=uuid.uuid4) hash = Column(String, nullable=False, index=True) description = Column(String, nullable=False) relationship_embedding = Column(Vector(1536)) keywords = Column(String, nullable=True) weight = Column(Float, nullable=True) source_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey("entity.entity_id", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) target_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey("entity.entity_id", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) chunk_id = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey("chunk.chunk_id", ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False) relationship_chunk = relationship("Chunk", foreign_keys=[chunk_id], back_populates="chunk_relationships") source_entity = relationship("Entity", foreign_keys=[source_id], remote_side="[Entity.entity_id]", back_populates="sources") target_entity = relationship("Entity", foreign_keys=[target_id], remote_side="[Entity.entity_id]", back_populates="targets")
To deal with entities and relationships more confortable throughout the process, some pydantic models are created:
class EntityModel(BaseModel): entity_name: str entity_type: str entity_description: str chunk_id: Set[str] | str entity_text: str | None = None class RelationshipModel(BaseModel): source_entity: str target_entity: str relationship_description: str relationship_keywords: str | List[str] relationship_strength: float chunk_id: Set[str] | str relationship_text: str | None = None
To compute the vectors that will later be used to perform similarity search given the query, we'll use the following attributes:
@model_validator(mode='after') def remove_tildes(self): self.entity_name = unidecode(self.entity_name).lower().strip() self.entity_type = unidecode(self.entity_type).lower().strip() self.entity_text = f"{self.entity_name} it's of type: {self.entity_type}: {self.entity_description}" return self
entity_text attribute is the one that will be transformed to a vector.
@model_validator(mode='after') def remove_tildes(self): self.source_entity = unidecode(self.source_entity).lower().strip() self.target_entity = unidecode(self.target_entity).lower().strip() self.relationship_keywords = self.relationship_keywords.split(", ") if isinstance(self.relationship_keywords, str) else self.relationship_keywords self.relationship_text = f"{self.source_entity} is related to {self.target_entity} because of: {self.relationship_description}" return self
relationship_text attribute is the one that will be transformed to a vector.
The extraction of entities and relationships is a two-step process (just as lightrag):
The step 1) is the same as with lightrag. The step 2) is a little bit different, since we'll use fuzzywuzzy
package to find similar entities and relationships and merge those.
First we'll merge the entities, and then, keeping track of those merged entities, we'll merge the relationships.
def find_most_similar(entity: EntityModel, candidates: List[EntityModel], threshold: int) -> List[EntityModel]: most_sim_entity: List[EntityModel] = [] for candidate_entity in candidates: if (entity.entity_type != candidate_entity.entity_type): continue try: score = fuzz.ratio(entity.entity_name, candidate_entity.entity_name) except IndexError: continue if score > threshold: most_sim_entity.append(candidate_entity) return most_sim_entity
We iterate over the entities to find similar entities among the rest of them, and keep track of those that are found in a python dictionary: kept_vs_merged
kept_vs_merged = {} merged_entities = set() modified_entities: Dict[Tuple[str, str, str, str], List[EntityModel]] = {} for index, entity in enumerate(entities): most_sim_entities = find_most_similar(entity=entity, candidates=entities[index+1:], threshold=threshold) entity_key = (entity.entity_name, entity.entity_type, entity.entity_description) if entity_key in merged_entities: print(f"{entity_key} already exists as an entity") continue if (entity.entity_name, entity.entity_type, entity.entity_description, entity.get_chunk_id) not in modified_entities: modified_entities[(entity.entity_name, entity.entity_type, entity.entity_description, entity.get_chunk_id)] = [] if most_sim_entities: for most_sim_entity in most_sim_entities: most_sim_key = (most_sim_entity.entity_name, most_sim_entity.entity_type, most_sim_entity.entity_description) print(f"{most_sim_key[:2]} has been identified as similar to another entity") merged_entities.add(most_sim_key) modified_entities[(entity.entity_name, entity.entity_type, entity.entity_description, entity.get_chunk_id)].append(most_sim_entity) if most_sim_entity.entity_name not in kept_vs_merged: kept_vs_merged[most_sim_entity.entity_name] = {entity.entity_name} else: kept_vs_merged[most_sim_entity.entity_name].add(entity.entity_name)
and then, we update the original entities like in lightrag:
updated_entities = [] for entity_info, sim_entities in modified_entities.items(): if entity_info[:-1] in merged_entities and not len(sim_entities): continue updated_entities.append( EntityModel( entity_name=entity_info[0], entity_type=entity_info[1], entity_description=entity_info[2] + "\n".join([sim_entity.entity_description for sim_entity in sim_entities]), chunk_id=set([entity_info[3]] + [sim_entity.get_chunk_id for sim_entity in sim_entities]) ) ) return updated_entities, kept_vs_merged
By using the kept_vs_merged
entities found on the previous step, we update the relationships by replace the old entities with the new entities. Like in lightrag:
def _merge_relationships( relationships: List[RelationshipModel], kept_vs_merged_entities: Dict[str, List[str]] ) -> List[RelationshipModel]: for relationship in relationships: source, target = relationship.source_entity, relationship.target_entity try: if source in kept_vs_merged_entities: relationship.source_entity = list(kept_vs_merged_entities[source])[0] if target in kept_vs_merged_entities: relationship.target_entity = list(kept_vs_merged_entities[target])[0] except (KeyError, IndexError): print(f"Something went wrong for edge: {(source, target)}") continue merged_relationships = {} for relationship in relationships: edge = (relationship.source_entity, relationship.target_entity) if edge not in merged_relationships: merged_relationships[edge] = relationship continue print(f"Edge: ({source}, {target}) already exists") existing_edge = merged_relationships[edge] existing_edge.relationship_description += "\n" + relationship.relationship_description existing_edge.relationship_strength += relationship.relationship_strength existing_edge.relationship_keywords += relationship.relationship_keywords existing_edge.relationship_keywords = list(set(existing_edge.relationship_keywords)) existing_edge.update_chunk_ids(relationship.chunk_id) return list(merged_relationships.values())
Using the merged entities and the merged relationships, we upsert this data into the database and we create the graph as well.
There are several steps involed before generating a response:
Given a query, we'll extract from it using llms:
global query
approach.local query
approach.### 3.2 Query
Both local query
and global query
use similarity search
as the first step to find the relevant parts of the graph to begin the retrieval process.
async def _similarity_search(text: str | List[str], table: str, top_k: int) -> List[Tuple[Entity | Relationship | Chunk, float]]: assert table in ("chunk", "entity", "relationship"), f"{table} is not a valid table" string_to_table = { "chunk": Chunk, "entity": Entity, "relationship": Relationship } id = f"{table}_id" if isinstance(text, str): text = [text] embeddings = await create_embeddings(texts=text) conn = psycopg2.connect(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL) register_vector(conn) nodes_with_distances = [] for embedding in embeddings: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(f""" SELECT {id}, 1 - cosine_distance({table}_embedding, %s::vector) AS similarity FROM {table} ORDER BY similarity DESC LIMIT {top_k}; """, (embedding,)) nodes_with_distances.extend(cur.fetchall()) nodes_with_distances_sorted = sorted(nodes_with_distances, key=lambda x: -x[1]) db = next(get_db()) db_elements = [] database_table = string_to_table[table] for id, distance in nodes_with_distances_sorted: element = db.get(database_table, id) db_elements.append( (element, distance) ) db.close() return db_elements
This type of query is mainly focused on retrieving specific entities along with their associated attributes or relationships. Queries at this level are detail-oriented and aim to extract precise information about particular nodes or edges within the graph.
connected_nodes: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} for index, (keyword_node, keyword_edges) in enumerate(zip(nodes, edges)): node: str = keyword_node['entity_name'] del keyword_node['entity_name'] if node in connected_nodes: continue connected_nodes[node] = {} chunk_ids = keyword_node['chunk_id'].split(", ") for chunk_id in chunk_ids: if chunk_id not in connected_nodes[node]: connected_nodes[node][chunk_id] = {"relation_counts": 0, "keywords": set(), "order": index, "graph_node": keyword_node} for edge in keyword_edges: neighbor = edge[1] neighbor_data = neighbor_chunk_ids_mapping[neighbor] if chunk_id in neighbor_data: connected_nodes[node][chunk_id]['relation_counts'] += 1 connected_nodes[node][chunk_id]['keywords'].add(neighbor)
This level addresses broader topics and overarching themes. Queries at this level aggregate information acorss multiple related entities and relationships, providing insights into higher-level concepts and summaries rather than specific details.
for index, chunk_edge_ids in enumerate(chunk_ids): for chunk_id in chunk_edge_ids: edges_of_chunk = chunk_to_edges[chunk_id] edges_of_chunk_graph = [graph.edges.get(k) for k in edges_of_chunk] if chunk_id not in chunk_ids_to_metric: chunk_ids_to_metric[chunk_id] = { 'order': index, 'weight': sum([edge['relationship_strength'] for edge in edges_of_chunk_graph]), 'n': len(edges_of_chunk_graph), 'edges': edges_of_chunk_graph } else: chunk_ids_to_metric[chunk_id]['order'] += index chunk_ids_to_metric[chunk_id]['weight'] += sum([edge['relationship_strength'] for edge in edges_of_chunk_graph]) chunk_ids_to_metric[chunk_id]['n'] += len(edges_of_chunk_graph) chunk_ids_to_metric[chunk_id]['edges'].extend(edges_of_chunk_graph) for chunk_id, metrics in chunk_ids_to_metric.items(): metrics['order'] /= metrics['n'] metrics['weight'] /= metrics['n'] _, max_weight = max(chunk_ids_to_metric.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['weight']) max_weight = max_weight['weight'] for chunk_id, metrics in chunk_ids_to_metric.items(): metrics['importance'] = (1 - metrics['order'] / index) * alpha + (metrics['weight'] / max_weight) * (1 - alpha)
Where alpha determines which metric has more relevance to the heuristic:
We combine local query and global query to generate a response.
These are the availables types of queries of these project:
async def insert(text: str, config: GlobalConfig) -> nx.Graph: chunks = await create_chunks(text=text, min_token_size=config.min_chunk_size, max_token_size=config.max_chunk_size) print(f"{len(chunks)} chunks created") entities, relationships, kept_vs_merged, chunk_models = await extract_entities(chunks=chunks, entity_types=config.entity_types, gleaning=config.max_gleaning, batch=config.batch) print(f"{len(entities)} entities extracted and {len(relationships)} relationships extracted. ") graph = await upsert_data_and_create_graph(entities=entities, relationships=relationships, chunks=chunk_models) return graph async def local_query(query: str, config: GlobalConfig) -> Tuple[str | None, List[str], Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], List[str]]: response, chunk_texts, nodes, keywords = await _local_query(query=query, top_k=config.keywords_top_k, max_nodes=config.graph_top_k, order_range=config.order_range) return response, chunk_texts, nodes, keywords async def global_query(query: str, config: GlobalConfig) -> Tuple[str | None, List[str], Dict[str, Any], List[str]]: response, chunk_texts, chunks, keywords = await _global_query(query=query, top_k=config.keywords_top_k, max_nodes=config.graph_top_k, alpha=config.alpha) return response, chunk_texts, chunks, keywords async def hybrid_query(query: str, config: GlobalConfig) -> Tuple[str | None, List[str], Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]], Set[str]]: return await _hybrid_query(query=query, top_k=config.keywords_top_k, max_nodes=config.graph_top_k, alpha=config.alpha, order_range=config.order_range) async def naive_query(query: str, config: GlobalConfig) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: return await _naive_rag(query=query, top_k=config.graph_top_k)
where GlobalConfig
class GlobalConfig(BaseModel): max_gleaning: int = Field(default=1, description="Number of times entities and relationships will be extracted from the same chunk") batch: int = Field(default=15, description="Extract entities from chunk in 'batch' batches") entity_types: Dict[str, str] = Field(..., description="keys: entity types themselves, values: description of entity types") min_chunk_size: int = Field(default=120, description="Min chunk size to create the chunks via semantic chunking") max_chunk_size: int = Field(default=150, description="Max chunk size to create the chunks via semantic chunking") keywords_top_k: int = Field(default=60, description="Number of entities to retrieve via similarity search over keyword vector database") graph_top_k: int = Field(default=5, description="Number of chunks to use as final context") order_range: int = Field(default=5, description="When getting the most connected components, max number of order difference in similarity search to substitute one communiy over other") alpha: float = Field(default=0.7, description="Importance to similarity vs weight of relationships. Value between 0 and 1")
from graphrag import ( insert, GlobalConfig, local_query, global_query, hybrid_query, naive_query ) entity_types = { "location": "", "price tier": "", "claim": "", "condition": "", "excess": "", "gadget": "", "coverage quantity": "", } config = GlobalConfig( entity_types=entity_types, min_chunk_size=400, max_chunk_size=800 ) plain_text = "YOUR TEXT to create the graph from" graph = await insert(text=plain_text, config=config) query = "YOUR QUERY" # local query response, chunk_texts, nodes, keywords = await local_query(query=query, config=config) # global query response, chunk_texts, edges, keywords = await global_query(query=query, config=config) # hybrid query response, chunk_texts, (global_chunks, local_nodes), keywords = await hybrid_query(query=query, config=config) # naive query response, chunk_texts = await naive_query(query=query, config=config)
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There are no models linked
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