StealthBoard is a Python-based tool designed to interact with OpenAI's GPT models and directly via the clipboard. It operates discreetly in the background, enabling users to query GPT or fetch and update shared content from without opening a browser.
and get instant responses in your clipboard.cl1p_get:{ID}
.git clone cd StealthBoard
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To query GPT, copy text starting with gpt:
, followed by your prompt.
Example: gpt:Explain how recursion works.
The tool will process the prompt and replace your clipboard content with GPT's response.
To retrieve content from, copy text starting with cl1p_get:
, followed by the cl1p ID.
Example: cl1p_get:example_clip
The tool will fetch the content from
and place it in your clipboard. If the cl1p is empty, the clipboard will say: Empty cl1p!
To upload content to, copy text starting with cl1p_put:
, followed by the cl1p ID and content, separated by :
Example: cl1p_put:example_clip:This is a test note.
The tool will send a POST request to
with the content This is a test note.
. You’ll be notified if the update was successful or if an error occurred.
To run StealthBoard, you need the following:
Install all dependencies using the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
StealthBoard is licensed under the MIT License.
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