Using computer vision and satellite images to detect landfills and their environmental severity. We use the Aerial Waste Dataset provided by the Italian Agriculture Development Agency
We use a two stage approach, where we first determine whether a given image is a landfill or not and also, apply segmentation to segment every object from the image and classify it according to the predefined categories.
Classification models used for stage one include; Resnet18, 34, EfficientnetB0, B3
Segmentation task was based on the Deep Lab v3 Plus architecture with a Resnext50_32x4d backbone
For the second stage, we use a mult-task approach, where we both the severity and and site location.
For the multi-task, we use the same backbones are the ones for the first stage classification task
We apply heavy augmentation especially the ones related to weather thanks to albumentations library
The techniques were used include;
Random Rain
Random Snow
Random Fog
Random Shadown
Shift Scale Rotation
RGB Shift
Training was done on Kaggle, using Pytorch and Pytorch Lightning. Weights and Biases was used for experiment tracking