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Personalized Movie Recommendation System

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Personalized Movie Recommendation System

A movie recommendation system built in Python using the streamlit library for interface and TMDB API integration to deliver personalized recommendations with movie posters. The system combines efficient data management with real-time API integration to provide a seamless user experience.


  • Data Management: Efficiently handles movie information, including:
    • Movie IDs for unique identification in the TMDB database
    • Titles with comprehensive movie information
    • TMDB Integration for real-time poster fetching
    • Structured data storage using pickle files
    • Efficient data retrieval mechanisms
    • Automatic data synchronization
  • Recommendation Engine:
    • Leveraged pickle files to store pre-computed similarity scores for faster retrieval
    • Used similarity matrix to determine movie relationships through:
      • Content-based filtering
      • Cosine similarity calculations
      • Nearest neighbor selection
    • Dynamic ranking system for recommendations
    • Real-time similarity score processing
    • Customizable recommendation count
  • Interactive Interface:
    • Developed a responsive Streamlit interface featuring:
      • Searchable dropdown for movie selection
      • Real-time poster updates
      • Grid-based recommendation display
      • Intuitive user controls
    • Error handling for missing posters
    • Loading states for better UX
    • Mobile-responsive design

Implementation Details

1. Data Management Architecture

import pickle import streamlit as st import requests # Load pre-computed data with error handling try: movies = pickle.load(open("movie_list.pkl",'rb')) similarity = pickle.load(open('similarity.pkl','rb')) except FileNotFoundError: st.error("Required data files not found. Please check the data directory.") # Configure movie list with type checking movie_list = movies['title'].values if 'title' in movies else []

2. Enhanced Poster Integration

def fetch_poster(movie_id): """ Fetches movie poster from TMDB API with error handling and caching """ try: # Construct API URL with movie ID url = "{}?api_key=8265bd1679663a7ea12ac168da84d2e8&language=en-US".format(movie_id) # Fetch and process data with timeout data = requests.get(url, timeout=5).json() # Handle missing poster path if 'poster_path' not in data or data['poster_path'] is None: return "default_poster_url" # Return complete poster URL return "" + data['poster_path'] except requests.RequestException as e: st.warning(f"Error fetching poster: {str(e)}") return "default_poster_url"

3. Advanced Recommendation Logic

def recommend(movie, num_recommendations=5): """ Generates movie recommendations based on similarity scores """ try: # Find movie index with validation if movie not in movies['title'].values: return [], [] index = movies[movies['title'] == movie].index[0] # Get and sort similarity scores distances = sorted( list(enumerate(similarity[index])), reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1] ) # Initialize recommendation lists recommended_movie_names = [] recommended_movie_posters = [] # Process top similar movies for i in distances[1:num_recommendations+1]: movie_id = movies.iloc[i[0]].movie_id # Fetch poster with error handling poster_url = fetch_poster(movie_id) if poster_url != "default_poster_url": recommended_movie_posters.append(poster_url) recommended_movie_names.append(movies.iloc[i[0]].title) return recommended_movie_names, recommended_movie_posters except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error generating recommendations: {str(e)}") return [], []

4. Optimized Streamlit Interface

# Configure page settings st.set_page_config( page_title="Movie Recommender", layout="wide" ) # Create header with styling st.markdown(""" <style> .title { text-align: center; color: #1E88E5; } </style> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("<h1 class='title'>Movie Recommender System</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Setup movie selection with search functionality selected_movie = st.selectbox( "Type or select a movie from the dropdown", movie_list, help="Search for a movie by typing its name" ) # Handle recommendation button with loading state if st.button('Show Recommendation'): with st.spinner('Fetching recommendations...'): names, posters = recommend(selected_movie) if not names: st.warning("No recommendations found.") else: # Create responsive column layout cols = st.columns(5) # Display recommendations with error handling for idx, (name, poster) in enumerate(zip(names, posters)): with cols[idx]: st.text(name) try: st.image(poster, use_column_width=True) except Exception: st.error("Error loading poster")



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