1. Overview
This application utilizes OpenCV, Tesseract, and Tkinter to extract text from images. It allows users to upload an image, convert it to a suitable format for OCR, extract text, and save the text into a DOCX file. The application features a graphical user interface (GUI) for user interaction.
2. Key Libraries Used
- OpenCV (
): For image processing (grayscale conversion, thresholding).
- Pytesseract: For Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to extract text.
- PIL: For opening and saving images.
- Tkinter: For the file dialog and GUI components.
- Docx (
): To save extracted text into a Word document.
3. Functionality Breakdown
Image Upload:
- Function:
- A file dialog allows users to select an image, which is saved as
for further processing.
Image Preprocessing:
- Grayscale Conversion: The image is converted to grayscale for better OCR accuracy.
- Thresholding: The image is converted to binary (black and white) to improve text recognition.
OCR (Text Extraction):
- Tesseract Configuration: OCR is performed using Tesseract with custom settings optimized for text block recognition (
--oem 3 --psm 6
Text Display and Save:
- After extracting text, it is displayed in a Tkinter text box. The user can save the text as a
file using the python-docx
Loading Window:
- A loading window with a progress bar is shown during the OCR process to indicate that the application is working.
4. Code Flow
- The user uploads an image.
- The image is processed into grayscale and binary formats for OCR.
- A loading window appears while OCR is running.
- The extracted text is displayed, and the user can save it to a Word document.
5. User Interface
- File Dialog: To upload the image.
- Text Box: To display and edit extracted text.
- Buttons: For saving the text and exiting the app.
- Progress Bar: To indicate the OCR processing status.
6. Error Handling
- Error messages are shown if there are issues during image processing or saving the DOCX file, guiding the user in troubleshooting.
7. Potential Enhancements
- Advanced Preprocessing: Further image enhancement could improve OCR accuracy, especially for low-quality images.
- Format Support: Support for more file formats like PDFs could be added.
- Performance: Optimizations such as image resizing or multi-threading could be implemented for faster processing.
8. Conclusion
This application successfully integrates OCR, image processing, and text management in a simple GUI. It allows users to upload an image, extract its text, and save it in a DOCX file. There is potential to expand its features and improve processing efficiency.