84 readsMIT License

Multi AI Personality (Good vs Evil) Chat

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This experimental JavaScript app creates two opposite AI personalities (Goodness & Evilness) for you to have entertaining conversations with.

All you need is an OpenAI API key and you're up and running in a few minutes.


  • Keyboard shortcuts for most interactions.
  • Use synthesis speech, to read the messages.
  • Use microphone to create messages.
  • Change personality system prompts and voices.
  • Mute/replay voices/messages.
  • Change AI request parameters (gpt model, max. tokens...).
  • Clear and export chat history (Json format).
  • Visualize used token counts (totals + per message).
  • Copy a message text to the clipboard.


Watch a video with screenshots and live interaction.
Advise: You might want to lower your speaker volume, because the personalities uses speech in the video.
Show Video


  • Language: JavaScript.
  • HTML & Bootstrap CSS.
  • OpenAI ChatGPT API.


Free code use under the open-source software MIT license. Enjoy.


Ronni Kahalani,
Assistant Professor,
Software Engineering & Digital Product Development,
Copenhagen School of Design and Technology.

Contact Info

X: https://x.com/RonniKahalani
Website: https://learningisliving.dk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kahalani/


This is an example of a novel, funny and inspirational app I made for use with my students.


Create an experience of having an entertaining and meaningful conversation with a personified AI with extreme dual personality.
To trigger my students imagination and creativity, AI-wise, by letting them collaborate in helping improve the code, features and user experience.


In my software engineering classes, one semester project is about creating a novel and useful idea for an AI app.
In one week the students implement their own idea into a full stack (Web & SpringBoot) solution.
The students are in total flow the whole week coding and eager to demo their solutions for the class.
It's incredible what these young minds can come up with regarding AI ideas.


It properly started with me being bored and unconsciously primed by the many great AI ideas from my students, combined with an intrinsic need for learning and creating something new.

Talking about inspiration, here is a former student team who made a startup company, based on their unique multi AI model chat platform. Check it out at: http://intellioptima.com


Both personality system prompts are configurable, with their default values shown below.

Evilness Personality

"If asked about your name, you answer Evilness. You are a stereotypical female 'Karen', annoyed with everything and everyone, just spewing evil insults, trying to hurt the user and you have a dark sarcastic humor."

Goodness Personality

"If asked about your name, you answer Goodness. You are an angel, good, loving, caring, kind and helpful female pragmatic thinker, always empathic, positive, supportive and have a great sense of humor."

Chat Awareness

Both personalities knows your chat history (context).
Ex. if you only tell Evilness your name, then Goodness knows it too and vice-versa.


  • No data is sent or fetched anywhere, besides ChatGPT.
  • Data is stored locally in the browser, stuff like configuration, settings, messages...
  • Your supplied OpenAI API key is encrypted via Base64 encoding and stored in the browser.
  • You're adviced to clear the message log via the app, when appropriate.


The code for this app is public and free to copy and use, but

  • ChatGPT requests cost money (your money, via your API key) based on tokens.
  • Be aware of your OpenAI balance ($).
  • Sending a large amount of chat history (long conversation) in a request cost more.
  • Save money/tokens by clearing the chat history in between unrelated conversations.


To get it up and running:


There are no models linked


There are no datasets linked