BENCHMARK: Synthetic legal dataset on the italian "Codice Penale":
71 istances
3 options per question
considered only "question", "answer_1", "answer_2", "answer_3" and "correct_answer"
Develop a multi-agent system based on open-source LLM for the classification of the correct answer through Web searches.
The aim of the project is to improve the performances of the LLM without training/fine-tuning.
Project Structure
Agent library: langroid
Open-source provider: Ollama
LLM: Phi-3.5
The multi-agent system is composed of 4 agents:
ReferenceFinder: agent that finds references in the given question, or searchs for them on Google if there are not in the question. Methods:
find_legal_references: checks for legal references in the input string using regex.
search_web_for_references: Formulates a Google search query, scrapes titles and descriptions of search results and calls find_legal_references
process_question: agent's policy that calls find_legal_references and, if no reference is found, calls search_web_for_references. It than outputs the reference found.
NormattivaExpert: agent responsible to call the NormattivaScraper script to find legal text on given the input reference. NOTE: NormattivaScraper has been modified to find also the articles of "Codce Penale".
AnswerScraper: agent that reformulates the input question, performs a Google search, and produces an answer based on them. Methods:
search_google: performs a Google search given the query and returns the top-5 results
clean_data: cleans the content of the Google searches given in input and returns a list of dictionaries
find_unique_answer: gives the question and the data found on Google to the LLM and outputs a unique answer to the question.
get_answer: policy to perform the whole task using the methods explained before
AnswerCompiler: agent that takes the input (question, choices, legal text, Google answer) to make it process to an LLM and then extracts the answered choice from the LLM response: 1,2, 3 or 0 (if None is found)
python 3.11
pandas (file slightly changed) in the same folder of the notebook
mcqa_codice_penale.json in the same folder of the notebook