Developed application to find ideal companies for user to apply to. Leveraged group chat of agents in Autogen.
- Career assistant agent elicits user’s skills, experiences, and job preferences in terms of role, industry, culture, company size, etc. and creates and ideal company profile.
- Search agent uses ideal company profile to generate search queries to surface companies that match the profile. Furthermore it visits the search result links to evaluate whether retrieved companies are a good match with the profile.
- Analyst agent then takes the companies found by search agent and determines their suitability and alignment as employers. It gathers financial, market, industry and competitive intelligence and produces a report detailing its industry position, growth opportunities and stability, key problems the company faces, and opportunities where the company may need skilled employees to address challenges.
- A summary agent summarises the group chat and provides a shortlist of ideal companies for the user to apply to. It suggests how the user’s expertise could align with each company’s needs and provides a ‘plan of attack’ - how the user should approach these companies and leverage their expertise in the most effective way to increase the chances of securing an opportunity.
At any step if the other agents are not sure if the results align with users skills and preferences, they can ask the user proxy agent for more information.