A basic yet powerful chatbot built with the Gemini API for interactive conversations.
This repository houses the source code for a simplified but effective chatbot built using the Gemini API. It is designed to conduct basic dialogues with users, answering simple questions and providing pertinent information. It is a great starting point for anyone wanting to explore the power of AI in conversations!
: This file that you are reading right now! Contains a detailed description of the project, installation instructions, usage instructions, and information on how you can contribute.chatbot.py
: The heart of the project! This is where the main code of the chatbot resides, including functions for processing user input, generating intelligent responses, and managing the conversation flow.requirements.txt
: This file is essential! It lists all the Python libraries required for the chatbot to work seamlessly in your environment.data/
: A precious folder! Inside, you can find data files that serve to train the chatbot, such as sets of questions and answers, making it more intelligent over time.git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USER/YOUR-REPOSITORY.git cd YOUR-REPOSITORY](https://github.com/assismayko/LLM_Maykochat
pip install -r requirements.txt
This command ensures that you have all the libraries needed to run the chatbot.
python chatbot.py
Now the chatbot is ready to chat with you!
Your help is very welcome! If you want to contribute to this project, here Here are some ways to do this:
Pull Requests: Submit your code changes via a pull request to the main
Issue Reporting: If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, open an issue on the project's GitHub page.
Participation: Share your ideas and suggestions in the project's discussions.
This project is distributed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and share it as you see fit!
If you have any questions, need help, or want to chat about the project, don't hesitate to contact me! I'm always open to new ideas and collaborations.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this project, whether it was with code, ideas, feedback, or just with your support. Every contribution is very important!
There are no datasets linked
There are no datasets linked