FLUXOR aims to revoluƟonize file management by integraƟng arƟficial intelligence and machine
learning techniques. The project seeks to create a smart, intuiƟve, and efficient file organizaƟon
system for both personal and professional use, enhancing producƟvity and simplifying digital file
- Basic file management tools (move, copy, delete, rename).
- ML/DL implementaƟon for intelligent file renaming.
- Content-based file sorƟng using AI algorithms.
- Metadata-based file sorƟng (creaƟon Ɵme, file type, etc.).
- Advanced image classificaƟon tool.
- Online/Offline mode with API integraƟon for enhanced accuracy.
- Work and personal/private modes for context-aware file management.
- AI-powered document reader and query system.
- File recommendaƟon system based on user behavior and file content.
- Full-fledged Windows applicaƟon with an interacƟve, adapƟve UI.
- Robust file analysis and reporƟng capabiliƟes.
- Version control using Git.
- CollaboraƟve features for team projects.
The project will uƟlize the following technologies and approaches:
Programming Languages: Python for backend, JavaScript for frontend.
Frameworks: PySide/ PyQt for desktop applicaƟon development.
Machine Learning: TensorFlow or PyTorch for AI/ML implementaƟons.
APIs: IntegraƟon with cloud services and AI plaƞorms.
Version Control: Git for collaboraƟve development.
Development Approach: Agile methodology with two-week sprints.
TesƟng: Pytest for Python, Jest for JavaScript, Selenium for UI tesƟng.
FLUXOR is an intelligent file management system combining tradiƟonal file operaƟons with AIpowered features. Key components include:
- Intelligent File OrganizaƟon Engine: Uses ML to analyze file content, metadata, and user
behavior for opƟmal organizaƟon.
- AI-Driven Content Analysis: Enables advanced search and categorizaƟon based on file
- AdapƟve User Interface: Adjusts based on user behavior and preferences.
- Secure MulƟ-Mode OperaƟon: Implements work and personal modes with robust security
- Smart Assistant and Query System: Incorporates NLP for understanding user queries about
files and system operaƟons.
The scope of FLUXOR encompasses a wide range of file management tasks, from basic operaƟons to
advanced AI-driven features. It will handle local file systems and integrate with online services. The
project will focus on:
- Developing a comprehensive file management system for Windows OS.
- ImplemenƟng AI and ML algorithms for intelligent file operaƟons.
- CreaƟng a user-friendly interface adaptable to various user needs.
- IntegraƟng cloud services for enhanced funcƟonality.
- Developing both online and offline modes.
- ImplemenƟng work and personal modes for privacy and producƟvity.
While iniƟally targeƟng Windows, the architecture will be designed with potenƟal cross-plaƞorm
expansion in mind.
- A funcƟonal Windows applicaƟon for intelligent file management
- Implemented AI models for file classificaƟon and organizaƟon
- Seamless integraƟon of online and offline funcƟonality
- User-friendly interface with work and personal modes
- Comprehensive documentaƟon and user guid