Executive Summary
This report analyzes the relationship between phenotypes and their causal genes using embedding vectors generated through GPT-3.5 and OpenAI's text-embedding-3-large model. The analysis explores whether these embeddings can indicate gene causality through various dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques.
Dataset Creation and Preprocessing
Data Sources
• Phenotypes and genes dataset (opentargets_step2.for_llm.tsv)
• Ground truth labels (gwas_catalog_step2.labels)
• Phenotype embeddings (phenotype_embeddings.csv)
• Gene embeddings (gene_embeddings.csv)
Sampling Methodology
• Used MD5 hash of "BHARAT" as seed for reproducibility (seed= 8859348)
• Randomly sampled 500 phenotypes from the dataset
• Created mappings between phenotypes and both causal and non-causal genes
Preprocessing Steps
Exploratory Data Analysis
Distribution Analysis
• Type 2 diabetes, blood metabolite level and psoriasis are most common.
Case Study: Type 2 Diabetes
• Analyzed unique casual genes associated with Type 2 diabetes
• Investigated common genes between casual and non-casual categories
Embedding Analysis
Casual Gene Embeddings Visualization (t-SNE)
• Distinct clustering of traits visible
• Embeddings show clear grouping based on traits
• Proximity indicates genetic similarity
Non-Casual Gene Embeddings Visualization (t-SNE)
• Tighter grouping compared to casual embeddings
• Type 2 diabetes shows high prevalence
• More shared information among phenotypes
Combined Embedding Analysis
PCA Visualization
t-SNE Clustering
UMAP Visualization
The visualizations reveal distinct patterns between casual gene embeddings and phenotype embeddings, though the separation is not absolute. While the clusters demonstrate notable differences between the two types of embeddings, there exists some overlap between them, suggesting that certain genes may share characteristics across both casual and phenotypic expressions. This partial overlap indicates that while embedding patterns can help distinguish between casual and non-casual relationships, they alone may not be sufficient for definitive classification.
Detailed Clustering Analysis
• Distinct Clusters: The clear separation between the purple and green clusters indicates that the embeddings can be grouped into two distinct categories. This suggests that there are significant differences between the gene and phenotype embeddings in each cluster.
• Tight Grouping: The purple cluster appears more tightly grouped, indicating that the genes and phenotypes in this cluster are more similar to each other. Dispersed Grouping: The green cluster is slightly more dispersed, suggesting more variability among the genes and phenotypes in this group. Centroids
Statistical Analysis
Similarity Metrics
Key Findings
Limitations and Future Work
The analysis reveals that while there are distinguishable patterns between casual and non-casual gene-phenotype relationships, the signal is not strong enough to definitively indicate causality based solely on embeddings. The low similarity scores and weak clustering structure suggest that additional factors beyond embedding relationships may be necessary for determining gene causality.
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