Chat GPT in console that can take audio input and uses tts to answer
few most important variables are in code to change if you want to
######### important variables ###########
model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo' #gpt model
temperature = 1 #keep within 0 - 1 higher values can cause crashing
voice = 0 #if you have one langueage in windows keep this at 0 or maybe it will work at 1 if you have more you can try higher numbers
Hold CTRL + SHIFT + / to talk or just write
?history? - shows the history of messages in current chat
?reset? or CTRL + SHIFT + - - resets the conversation - clears the history
Tested on windows 11 python 3.12
To run you will need some libraries and I'm too lazy to do requirements.txt so im just gonna tell you here how to install everything you will need:
(those are the ones i used, newer or similar versions SHOULD work just fine)
winget install "FFmpeg (Essentials Build)"
If you have any questions let me know :3
github link:
(also i added the files but i don't see them here, welp... whatever, everything is on github)
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