This project combines the use of OpenAI with OpenWeatherMap. There can be a considerable time gap between the curent weather report and the forecast weather report when using the OpenWeahterMap free API. This project "fills in the gaps" by consulting OpenAI. So far, It seems to do a pretty good job. This project uses the Cheap Yellow Display (CYD). You will need a free OpenWeatherMap key and an OpenAI key. Here is a link to the 3D printed case.
Make text banner in the display move from top to bottom depending on where the graph is (easy).
Strip off the forecast data that is a bit too far in the future before uploading to the AI.
This would decrease to cost of the AI API access. (hard)
Note the function that displays the Title, File Name, Compile Time.
You can modify this to your liking. (easy).
Pull the OpenAI prompt text out of the sketch and place in a GitHub data file. It would be downloaded
as needed (See SprinklerInhibit project). This would allow the prompt to be refined without recompiling. (moderate)
You must set up your TFT_eSPI library for the cheap Yellow display. There are lots of
YouTube videos on this.
As noted in the banner, you will need an OpenAI API key. It costs money but it is cheap. You will also need
the OpenWeatherMap free API key. Both of these are pretty easy to get.
Kudos to the folks that wrote the Libraries used in this sketch. I stand in awe.
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