Nova AI is a cutting-edge virtual assistant designed to function seamlessly on Android devices, much like Siri. It operates via a dedicated server hosted on Vercel, providing intelligent, witty, and light-hearted responses. The AI is capable of engaging in meaningful conversations, remembering past interactions, and executing various commands based on user inputs.
Messaging – Supports SMS, WhatsApp, and Telegram messaging.
Setting Alarms – Example: "Set an alarm for 1 hour 50 minutes."
Playing Songs – Example: "Play [SONG_NAME]"
Checking Device Stats – Battery percentage, storage, RAM, location, WiFi, and more.
App Launching – Opens installed apps using package names.
User Permissions – To ensure smooth operation, the app requires essential permissions upon first use, such as call access and message sending rights.
Context Retention – Remembers recent conversations to provide more natural and engaging interactions.
Multi-Platform Messaging – Enables users to send messages via different communication platforms seamlessly.
Installation & Testing:
The Nova Android app has been tested successfully on Android 8.1 (API 27) and is fully functional.
Further testing is encouraged on Android 15 (API 36) to evaluate broader compatibility.
The APK is available in the Nova Android GitHub repository for direct installation and testing or download it below on the app-debug.apk.
After all the installation and permission wait for it, to give a toast message of listening and then call the name "NOVA" and it will respond then you can now interact with it
How It Works:
The AI listens for commands using predefined keywords.
It processes user inputs and executes the relevant task.
If the command is unclear, Nova responds humorously while maintaining functionality.
Example interactions include:
User: "Send HI to Jeri on WhatsApp."
Nova AI: Whatsapp "HI" to "Jeri", isCommand = true
User: "What is today’s date?"
Nova AI: Today's date is ${data_json.date}, isCommand = false
Nova AI is a robust and intelligent assistant built to enhance user experience on Android devices, ensuring seamless integration with system functionalities while maintaining a fun and engaging personality.
Note: Its still on their early stages you may experince issues.