This project implements a maze-solving application using computer vision techniques with OpenCV. The application leverages binarization, morphological operations, and labeling to efficiently identify and solve mazes. The report includes a detailed explanation of the methodology, key code excerpts, visual results, and performance analysis. It also explores the computational performance and scalability of the approach, offering insights for future improvements.
Maze solving is a classic problem in computer vision, commonly used to demonstrate image processing and pathfinding algorithms. This project processes maze images using OpenCV, identifying paths and generating solutions. Key objectives include:
Maze-solving algorithms are widely used in robotics navigation, video game development, and artificial intelligence. This report provides step-by-step implementation details to ensure reproducibility and clarity for similar projects.
The input to the system is a grayscale maze image where:
The computational efficiency of the solution is a key consideration, especially when processing high-resolution maze images.
The first step involves converting the grayscale image to a binary image, simplifying further processing. The binarization function iterates through each pixel and assigns a binary value based on a threshold to distinguish walls from pathways.
Morphological operations refine the maze structure by modifying pixel regions, ensuring pathways are continuous and walls are well-defined.
Erosion reduces the size of white regions (pathways) by removing boundary pixels.
Dilation expands white regions by adding pixels to their boundaries, ensuring continuity in pathways after erosion.
The algorithm assigns unique labels to connected components using recursive labeling.
Performance is evaluated using OpenCV's getTickCount function for runtime and clock cycle measurements.
The final output of the system is the solved maze with the identified pathway highlighted. The following figure shows an example of the final output.
The approach effectively solves mazes using OpenCV's image processing capabilities. However, limitations include:
Future work can improve noise handling and extend the approach to handle more complex mazes. Optimizations in morphological operations could enhance computational performance.
This project demonstrates the application of computer vision techniques to solve mazes efficiently. The implemented system provides accurate results for structured mazes and lays the foundation for future improvements in noise robustness and scalability.
OpenCV Documentation:
Maze-solving algorithms in computer vision literature.
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