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Applications of Computer Vision in Agriculture-Fruit recognition, localization and segmentation

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There is a practical question in fruit orchards: when fruits in the orchard are ripe, they
need to be picked. It is quite efficient to use robots to pick fruits based on artificial
intelligence technologies. The key step of the process is to identify and locate the fruit
using computer vision technologies. Hence, the main aim of the project is to implement
the fruit recognition, localization and segmentation captured from the orchard.
This project intends to apply the classical CNN model Mask R-CNN to implement
fruit recognition, localisation and end-to-end pixel-level segmentation.


  • Instance Segmentation
    From Fast R-CNN, we know the RoI Pooling layer can integrate the CNN layer, SVM Classifi cation and bbox regression together, make a multi-stage training pipeline into a single stage and speed up the training process. However, in the quantization RoI process, the rounding operation introduces misalignments between the extracted features and the RoI, which brings a big negative impact on pixel-level masks. Mask R-CNN introduces RoI Align which applies bilinear interpolation instead of rounding to get the accurate values of the input features.

Mask R-CNN adds the branch of FCN layer (Mask layer) for semantic mask prediction
based on Faster R-CNN, therefore Mask R-CNN can be regarded as Mask R-CNN
= Faster R-CNN + FCN + RoIAlign. Hence, Mask R-CNN can combine classification, objection detection and segmentation. The following picture shows the framework for Mask R-CNN.



ResNet is utilised as the backbone for the Mask R-CNN model on the Apple data Set stated
before achieving Apple recognition, localisation and segmentation. ResNet-50-FPN architecture is applied in this project. The following result used the ResNet-50-FPN for heads training in data augmentation from the COCO pre-trained model. The mAP of a batch of images on the test data set can achieve around 75%. The results will be divided into five parts: ground truth data, prediction data, precision-recall curve, and the grid of ground truth objects and their predictions. (I uploaded the Jupyter file, but the website cannot parse the entire result, please see the attachment file.)

from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive', force_remount=True)
!pwd !ls -al
import os os.chdir("drive/My Drive/Mask_RCNN")
import os import sys import random import math import re import time import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches # Root directory of the project # ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath("../../") ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath("./") # currnet directory print(ROOT_DIR) # Import Mask RCNN sys.path.append(ROOT_DIR) # To find local version of the library from mrcnn.config_50 import Config ####### from mrcnn import utils from mrcnn import visualize from mrcnn.visualize import display_images import mrcnn.model as modellib from mrcnn.model import log %matplotlib inline # directory of dataset DATASET_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR,"datasets/apples") print(DATASET_DIR) # Directory to save logs and trained model MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "logs")


class FruitConfig(Config): """Configuration for training on the fruit dataset. Derives from the base Config class and overrides some values. """ # Give the configuration a recognizable name NAME = "apple" # We use a GPU with 12GB memory, which can fit two images. # Adjust down if you use a smaller GPU. IMAGES_PER_GPU = 1 #### # Number of classes (including background) NUM_CLASSES = 1 + 1 # Background + fruit # Number of training steps per epoch STEPS_PER_EPOCH = 100 # Skip detections with < 90% confidence DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE = 0.9 config = FruitConfig() config.display()
### Override the training configurations with a few changes for inferencing. class InferenceConfig(config.__class__): # Run detection on one image at a time GPU_COUNT = 1 IMAGES_PER_GPU = 1 inference_config = InferenceConfig() inference_config.display()
### Device to load the neural network on. # Useful if you're training a model on the same # machine, in which case use CPU and leave the # GPU for training. DEVICE = "/gpu:0" # /cpu:0 or /gpu:0
def get_ax(rows=1, cols=1, size=8): """Return a Matplotlib Axes array to be used in all visualizations in the notebook. Provide a central point to control graph sizes. Change the default size attribute to control the size of rendered images """ _, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(size*cols, size*rows)) return ax

Load Dataset

import csv import skimage.draw class FruitDataset(utils.Dataset): def load_fruit(self, dataset_dir, subset): """Load a subset of the fruit dataset. dataset_dir: Root directory of the dataset. subset: Subset to load: train,val or test """ # Add classes. We have only one class to add. self.add_class("apple", 1, "apple") # Train, validation or test dataset? assert subset in ["train", "val","test"] dataset_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, subset) print(dataset_dir) # Load annotations img_file_list=[] ano_file_list=[] for name in os.listdir(dataset_dir): if name.endswith(".png"): img_file_list.append(name) elif name.endswith(".csv"): ano_file_list.append(name) for name in img_file_list: index_=name.index("_") pre_name=name[:index_+3].strip() # print(pre_name) # try: # ano_index=ano_file_list.index(pre_name) # except: # continue if (pre_name+".csv") not in ano_file_list: continue r_list=[] c_list=[] radius_list=[] ano_path=os.path.join(dataset_dir, pre_name+".csv") with open(ano_path) as f: #### f_csv=csv.reader(f) headers=next(f_csv) for row in f_csv: r_list.append(row[2]) ##### subscript, row is y, column is x c_list.append(row[1]) radius_list.append(row[3]) # print("r_list:",r_list) # print("c_list:",c_list) # print("radius_list:",radius_list) image_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, name) image = height, width = image.shape[:2] # print("height:",height,"width:",width) # 202*308 self.add_image( "apple", image_id=name, # use file name as a unique image id path=image_path, width=width, height=height, r=r_list, c=c_list, radius=radius_list) ###### def load_mask(self, image_id): """Generate instance masks for an image. Returns: masks: A bool array of shape [height, width, instance count] with one mask per instance. class_ids: a 1D array of class IDs of the instance masks. """ # If not a balloon dataset image, delegate to parent class. image_info = self.image_info[image_id] if image_info["source"] != "apple": return super(self.__class__, self).load_mask(image_id) # Convert circles to a bitmap mask of shape # [height, width, instance_count] info = self.image_info[image_id] # print("len(r):",len(info["r"])) # print(info["r"]) # print(info["c"]) # print(info["radius"]) mask = np.zeros([info["height"], info["width"], len(info["r"])], dtype=np.uint8) # print("mask_shape:",mask.shape) # index=0 for index in range(len(info["r"])): # Get indexes of pixels inside the circle and set them to 1 # print("r:",info["r"][index]) # print("c:",info["c"][index]) # print("radius:",info["radius"][index]) rr, cc =["r"][index]), float(info["c"][index]), float(info["radius"][index]),mask.shape) mask[rr, cc, index] = 1 # Return mask, and array of class IDs of each instance. Since we have # one class ID only, we return an array of 1s return mask.astype(np.bool), np.ones([mask.shape[-1]], dtype=np.int32) def image_reference(self, image_id): """Return the path of the image.""" info = self.image_info[image_id] if info["source"] == "apple": return info["path"] else: super(self.__class__, self).image_reference(image_id)
### Load validation dataset dataset_val = FruitDataset() dataset_val.load_fruit(DATASET_DIR, "val") # Must call before using the dataset dataset_val.prepare() print("Images: {}\nClasses: {}".format(len(dataset_val.image_ids), dataset_val.class_names))
### Load test dataset dataset_test = FruitDataset() dataset_test.load_fruit(DATASET_DIR, "test") # Must call before using the dataset dataset_test.prepare() print("Images: {}\nClasses: {}".format(len(dataset_test.image_ids), dataset_test.class_names))

Load Model

### Head Training Model, Create model object in inference mode. with tf.device(DEVICE): model_head = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=MODEL_DIR, config=inference_config) # Get path to saved weights # Either set a specific path or find last trained weights # model_path = model.find_last() model_head_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR+"/logs", "apple_50_head_epoch15_step100_argu2.h5") # Load trained weights print("Loading weights from ", model_head_path) model_head.load_weights(model_head_path, by_name=True)
### Create model object in inference mode. with tf.device(DEVICE): model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=MODEL_DIR, config=inference_config) # Get path to saved weights # Either set a specific path or find last trained weights # model_path = model.find_last() model_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR+"/logs", "apple_50_all_epoch25_step100_argu2.h5") # Load trained weights print("Loading weights from ", model_path) model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True)

Run Detection on Validation Dataset

image_id = random.choice(dataset_val.image_ids) image_id = 83 # 20130320T005805.533702.Cam6_13.png original_image, image_meta, gt_class_id, gt_bbox, gt_mask =\ modellib.load_image_gt(dataset_val, inference_config, image_id, use_mini_mask=False) info = dataset_val.image_info[image_id] print("image ID: {}.{} ({}) {}".format(info["source"], info["id"], image_id, dataset_val.image_reference(image_id))) # ground truth visualize.display_instances(original_image, gt_bbox, gt_mask, gt_class_id, dataset_val.class_names, figsize=(8, 8)) ######## dataset_train.class_names log("original_image", original_image) log("image_meta", image_meta) log("gt_class_id", gt_class_id) log("gt_bbox", gt_bbox) log("gt_mask", gt_mask)
##### Head training model, Run object detection results_head = model_head.detect([original_image], verbose=1) # Display results ax = get_ax(1) r_head = results_head[0] visualize.display_instances(original_image, r_head['rois'], r_head['masks'], r_head['class_ids'], dataset_val.class_names, r_head['scores'], ax=ax, title="Predictions")
# Run object detection results = model.detect([original_image], verbose=1) # Display results ax = get_ax(1) r = results[0] visualize.display_instances(original_image, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'], dataset_val.class_names, r['scores'], ax=ax, title="Predictions")

Evaluation on Validation Dataset


#### Head Training Model, Draw precision-recall curve AP_head, precisions_head, recalls_head, overlaps_head = utils.compute_ap(gt_bbox, gt_class_id, gt_mask, r_head['rois'], r_head['class_ids'], r_head['scores'], r_head['masks']) visualize.plot_precision_recall(AP_head, precisions_head, recalls_head)
# Draw precision-recall curve AP, precisions, recalls, overlaps = utils.compute_ap(gt_bbox, gt_class_id, gt_mask, r['rois'], r['class_ids'], r['scores'], r['masks']) visualize.plot_precision_recall(AP, precisions, recalls)
##### Head Training Model, Grid of ground truth objects and their predictions visualize.plot_overlaps(gt_class_id, r_head['class_ids'], r_head['scores'], overlaps_head, dataset_val.class_names)
# Grid of ground truth objects and their predictions visualize.plot_overlaps(gt_class_id, r['class_ids'], r['scores'], overlaps, dataset_val.class_names)

Compute mAP @ IoU=50 on Batch of Images

# Compute VOC-style Average Precision def compute_batch_ap(image_ids,model,r,dataset): t_prediction = 0 t_start = time.time() APs = [] for image_id in image_ids: # Load image image, image_meta, gt_class_id, gt_bbox, gt_mask = modellib.load_image_gt(dataset_test, inference_config, image_id, use_mini_mask=False) # Run object detection t = time.time() results = model.detect([image], verbose=0) t_prediction += (time.time() - t) r = results[0] # Compute AP AP, precisions, recalls, overlaps = utils.compute_ap(gt_bbox, gt_class_id, gt_mask, r['rois'], r['class_ids'], r['scores'], r['masks']) # print(recalls) flag = False for data in recalls: if np.isnan(data): # print('nan') print(image_id,dataset.image_reference(image_id)) flag= True continue if flag == True: continue APs.append(AP) print("Prediction time: {}s. Average {}s/image".format(t_prediction, t_prediction / len(image_ids))) print("Total time: {}s ".format(time.time() - t_start)) return APs
#### Head Training Model, choose all validation data APs = compute_batch_ap(dataset_val.image_ids,model_head,r_head,dataset_val) print("mAP @ IoU=50: ", np.mean(APs))
APs = compute_batch_ap(dataset_val.image_ids,model,r,dataset_val) print("mAP @ IoU=50: ", np.mean(APs))

Run Detection on Test Dataset

image_id2 = random.choice(dataset_test.image_ids) #43 20130320T005305.337000.Cam6_41.png image_id2 = 43 # image_id2=28 106 71 27 78 27 #99 original_image2, image_meta2, gt_class_id2, gt_bbox2, gt_mask2 =\ modellib.load_image_gt(dataset_test, inference_config, image_id2, use_mini_mask=False) info2 = dataset_test.image_info[image_id2] print("image ID: {}.{} ({}) {}".format(info2["source"], info2["id"], image_id2, dataset_test.image_reference(image_id2))) # ground truth visualize.display_instances(original_image2, gt_bbox2, gt_mask2, gt_class_id2, dataset_test.class_names, figsize=(8, 8)) ######## dataset_train.class_names log("original_image", original_image2) log("image_meta", image_meta2) log("gt_class_id", gt_class_id2) log("gt_bbox", gt_bbox2) log("gt_mask", gt_mask2)
### Head Training Model, Run object detection results2_head = model_head.detect([original_image2], verbose=1) # Display results ax = get_ax(1) r2_head = results2_head[0] visualize.display_instances(original_image2, r2_head['rois'], r2_head['masks'], r2_head['class_ids'], dataset_test.class_names, r2_head['scores'], ax=ax, title="Predictions")
# Run object detection results2 = model.detect([original_image2], verbose=1) # Display results ax = get_ax(1) r2= results2[0] visualize.display_instances(original_image2, r2['rois'], r2['masks'], r2['class_ids'], dataset_test.class_names, r2['scores'], ax=ax, title="Predictions")



# Draw precision-recall curve AP2_head, precisions2_head, recalls2_head, overlaps2_head = utils.compute_ap(gt_bbox2, gt_class_id2, gt_mask2, r2_head['rois'], r2_head['class_ids'], r2_head['scores'], r2_head['masks']) visualize.plot_precision_recall(AP2_head, precisions2_head, recalls2_head)
# Draw precision-recall curve AP2, precisions2, recalls2, overlaps2 = utils.compute_ap(gt_bbox2, gt_class_id2, gt_mask2, r2['rois'], r2['class_ids'], r2['scores'], r2['masks']) visualize.plot_precision_recall(AP2, precisions2, recalls2)
####Head Training Model, Grid of ground truth objects and their predictions visualize.plot_overlaps(gt_class_id2, r2_head['class_ids'], r2_head['scores'], overlaps2_head, dataset_test.class_names)
#Grid of ground truth objects and their predictions visualize.plot_overlaps(gt_class_id2, r2['class_ids'], r2['scores'], overlaps2, dataset_test.class_names)

Compute mAP @ IoU=50 on Batch of Images

# Head Training Model # image_ids = np.random.choice(dataset_test.image_ids, 10) # print(image_ids) # APs = compute_batch_ap(image_ids,model_head,r2_head) # print("mAP @ IoU=50: ", np.mean(APs))
# Pick a set of random images # APs = compute_batch_ap(image_ids,model,r2) # print("mAP @ IoU=50: ", np.mean(APs))
# Head Training Model APs_test = compute_batch_ap(dataset_test.image_ids,model_head,r2,dataset_test) print("mAP @ IoU=50: ", np.mean(APs_test))
# All Model APs_test = compute_batch_ap(dataset_test.image_ids,model,r2,dataset_test) print("mAP @ IoU=50: ", np.mean(APs_test))

Step by Step Prediction

Stage 1: Region Proposal Network

The Region Proposal Network (RPN) runs a lightweight binary classifier on a lot of boxes (anchors) over the image and returns object/no-object scores. Anchors with high objectness score (positive anchors) are passed to the stage two to be classified.

Often, even positive anchors don't cover objects fully. So the RPN also regresses a refinement (a delta in location and size) to be applied to the anchors to shift it and resize it a bit to the correct boundaries of the object.

1.a RPN Targets

The RPN targets are the training values for the RPN. To generate the targets, we start with a grid of anchors that cover the full image at different scales, and then we compute the IoU of the anchors with ground truth object. Positive anchors are those that have an IoU >= 0.7 with any ground truth object, and negative anchors are those that don't cover any object by more than 0.3 IoU. Anchors in between (i.e. cover an object by IoU >= 0.3 but < 0.7) are considered neutral and excluded from training.

To train the RPN regressor, we also compute the shift and resizing needed to make the anchor cover the ground truth object completely.

# Generate RPN trainig targets # target_rpn_match is 1 for positive anchors, -1 for negative anchors # and 0 for neutral anchors. image = original_image ### test dataset is not correct? # gt_class_id=gt_class_id # gt_bbox=gt_bbox target_rpn_match, target_rpn_bbox = modellib.build_rpn_targets( image.shape, model.anchors, gt_class_id, gt_bbox, model.config) log("target_rpn_match", target_rpn_match) log("target_rpn_bbox", target_rpn_bbox) positive_anchor_ix = np.where(target_rpn_match[:] == 1)[0] negative_anchor_ix = np.where(target_rpn_match[:] == -1)[0] neutral_anchor_ix = np.where(target_rpn_match[:] == 0)[0] positive_anchors = model.anchors[positive_anchor_ix] negative_anchors = model.anchors[negative_anchor_ix] neutral_anchors = model.anchors[neutral_anchor_ix] log("positive_anchors", positive_anchors) log("negative_anchors", negative_anchors) log("neutral anchors", neutral_anchors) # Apply refinement deltas to positive anchors refined_anchors = utils.apply_box_deltas( positive_anchors, target_rpn_bbox[:positive_anchors.shape[0]] * model.config.RPN_BBOX_STD_DEV) log("refined_anchors", refined_anchors, )
# Display positive anchors before refinement (dotted) and # after refinement (solid). visualize.draw_boxes(image, boxes=positive_anchors, refined_boxes=refined_anchors, ax=get_ax())

1.b RPN Predictions

Here we run the RPN graph and display its predictions.

# Run RPN sub-graph pillar = model.keras_model.get_layer("ROI").output # node to start searching from # TF 1.4 and 1.9 introduce new versions of NMS. Search for all names to support TF 1.3~1.10 nms_node = model.ancestor(pillar, "ROI/rpn_non_max_suppression:0") if nms_node is None: nms_node = model.ancestor(pillar, "ROI/rpn_non_max_suppression/NonMaxSuppressionV2:0") if nms_node is None: #TF 1.9-1.10 nms_node = model.ancestor(pillar, "ROI/rpn_non_max_suppression/NonMaxSuppressionV3:0") rpn = model.run_graph([image], [ ("rpn_class", model.keras_model.get_layer("rpn_class").output), ("pre_nms_anchors", model.ancestor(pillar, "ROI/pre_nms_anchors:0")), ("refined_anchors", model.ancestor(pillar, "ROI/refined_anchors:0")), ("refined_anchors_clipped", model.ancestor(pillar, "ROI/refined_anchors_clipped:0")), ("post_nms_anchor_ix", nms_node), ("proposals", model.keras_model.get_layer("ROI").output), ])
# Show top anchors by score (before refinement) limit = 100 sorted_anchor_ids = np.argsort(rpn['rpn_class'][:,:,1].flatten())[::-1] visualize.draw_boxes(image, boxes=model.anchors[sorted_anchor_ids[:limit]], ax=get_ax())
# Show top anchors with refinement. Then with clipping to image boundaries limit = 50 ax = get_ax(1, 2) pre_nms_anchors = utils.denorm_boxes(rpn["pre_nms_anchors"][0], image.shape[:2]) refined_anchors = utils.denorm_boxes(rpn["refined_anchors"][0], image.shape[:2]) refined_anchors_clipped = utils.denorm_boxes(rpn["refined_anchors_clipped"][0], image.shape[:2]) visualize.draw_boxes(image, boxes=pre_nms_anchors[:limit], refined_boxes=refined_anchors[:limit], ax=ax[0]) visualize.draw_boxes(image, refined_boxes=refined_anchors_clipped[:limit], ax=ax[1])
# Show refined anchors after non-max suppression limit = 50 ixs = rpn["post_nms_anchor_ix"][:limit] visualize.draw_boxes(image, refined_boxes=refined_anchors_clipped[ixs], ax=get_ax())
# Show final proposals # These are the same as the previous step (refined anchors # after NMS) but with coordinates normalized to [0, 1] range. limit = 50 # Convert back to image coordinates for display h, w = inference_config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2] proposals = rpn['proposals'][0, :limit] * np.array([h, w, h, w]) visualize.draw_boxes(image, refined_boxes=proposals, ax=get_ax())
# Measure the RPN recall (percent of objects covered by anchors) # Here we measure recall for 3 different methods: # - All anchors # - All refined anchors # - Refined anchors after NMS iou_threshold = 0.7 recall, positive_anchor_ids = utils.compute_recall(model.anchors, gt_bbox, iou_threshold) print("All Anchors ({:5}) Recall: {:.3f} Positive anchors: {}".format( model.anchors.shape[0], recall, len(positive_anchor_ids))) recall, positive_anchor_ids = utils.compute_recall(rpn['refined_anchors'][0], gt_bbox, iou_threshold) print("Refined Anchors ({:5}) Recall: {:.3f} Positive anchors: {}".format( rpn['refined_anchors'].shape[1], recall, len(positive_anchor_ids))) recall, positive_anchor_ids = utils.compute_recall(proposals, gt_bbox, iou_threshold) print("Post NMS Anchors ({:5}) Recall: {:.3f} Positive anchors: {}".format( proposals.shape[0], recall, len(positive_anchor_ids)))

Stage 2: Proposal Classification

This stage takes the region proposals from the RPN and classifies them.

2.a Proposal Classification

Run the classifier heads on proposals to generate class propbabilities and bounding box regressions.

# Get input and output to classifier and mask heads. mrcnn = model.run_graph([image], [ ("proposals", model.keras_model.get_layer("ROI").output), ("probs", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_class").output), ("deltas", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_bbox").output), ("masks", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_mask").output), ("detections", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_detection").output), ])
# Get detection class IDs. Trim zero padding. det_class_ids = mrcnn['detections'][0, :, 4].astype(np.int32) det_count = np.where(det_class_ids == 0)[0][0] det_class_ids = det_class_ids[:det_count] detections = mrcnn['detections'][0, :det_count] print("{} detections: {}".format( det_count, np.array(dataset_val.class_names)[det_class_ids])) captions = ["{} {:.3f}".format(dataset_val.class_names[int(c)], s) if c > 0 else "" for c, s in zip(detections[:, 4], detections[:, 5])] visualize.draw_boxes( image, refined_boxes=utils.denorm_boxes(detections[:, :4], image.shape[:2]), visibilities=[2] * len(detections), captions=captions, title="Detections", ax=get_ax())

2.b Step by Step Detection

Here we dive deeper into the process of processing the detections.

# Proposals are in normalized coordinates. Scale them # to image coordinates. h, w = inference_config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2] proposals = np.around(mrcnn["proposals"][0] * np.array([h, w, h, w])).astype(np.int32) # Class ID, score, and mask per proposal roi_class_ids = np.argmax(mrcnn["probs"][0], axis=1) roi_scores = mrcnn["probs"][0, np.arange(roi_class_ids.shape[0]), roi_class_ids] roi_class_names = np.array(dataset_val.class_names)[roi_class_ids] roi_positive_ixs = np.where(roi_class_ids > 0)[0] # How many ROIs vs empty rows? print("{} Valid proposals out of {}".format(np.sum(np.any(proposals, axis=1)), proposals.shape[0])) print("{} Positive ROIs".format(len(roi_positive_ixs))) # Class counts print(list(zip(*np.unique(roi_class_names, return_counts=True))))
# Display a random sample of proposals. # Proposals classified as background are dotted, and # the rest show their class and confidence score. limit = 200 ixs = np.random.randint(0, proposals.shape[0], limit) captions = ["{} {:.3f}".format(dataset_val.class_names[c], s) if c > 0 else "" for c, s in zip(roi_class_ids[ixs], roi_scores[ixs])] visualize.draw_boxes(image, boxes=proposals[ixs], visibilities=np.where(roi_class_ids[ixs] > 0, 2, 1), captions=captions, title="ROIs Before Refinement", ax=get_ax())

Apply Bounding Box Refinement

# Class-specific bounding box shifts. roi_bbox_specific = mrcnn["deltas"][0, np.arange(proposals.shape[0]), roi_class_ids] log("roi_bbox_specific", roi_bbox_specific) # Apply bounding box transformations # Shape: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] refined_proposals = utils.apply_box_deltas( proposals, roi_bbox_specific * inference_config.BBOX_STD_DEV).astype(np.int32) log("refined_proposals", refined_proposals) # Show positive proposals # ids = np.arange(roi_boxes.shape[0]) # Display all limit = 5 ids = np.random.randint(0, len(roi_positive_ixs), limit) # Display random sample captions = ["{} {:.3f}".format(dataset_val.class_names[c], s) if c > 0 else "" for c, s in zip(roi_class_ids[roi_positive_ixs][ids], roi_scores[roi_positive_ixs][ids])] visualize.draw_boxes(image, boxes=proposals[roi_positive_ixs][ids], refined_boxes=refined_proposals[roi_positive_ixs][ids], visibilities=np.where(roi_class_ids[roi_positive_ixs][ids] > 0, 1, 0), captions=captions, title="ROIs After Refinement", ax=get_ax())

Filter Low Confidence Detections

# Remove boxes classified as background keep = np.where(roi_class_ids > 0)[0] print("Keep {} detections:\n{}".format(keep.shape[0], keep))
# Remove low confidence detections keep = np.intersect1d(keep, np.where(roi_scores >= inference_config.DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE)[0]) print("Remove boxes below {} confidence. Keep {}:\n{}".format( inference_config.DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE, keep.shape[0], keep))

Per-Class Non-Max Suppression

# Apply per-class non-max suppression pre_nms_boxes = refined_proposals[keep] pre_nms_scores = roi_scores[keep] pre_nms_class_ids = roi_class_ids[keep] nms_keep = [] for class_id in np.unique(pre_nms_class_ids): # Pick detections of this class ixs = np.where(pre_nms_class_ids == class_id)[0] # Apply NMS class_keep = utils.non_max_suppression(pre_nms_boxes[ixs], pre_nms_scores[ixs], inference_config.DETECTION_NMS_THRESHOLD) # Map indicies class_keep = keep[ixs[class_keep]] nms_keep = np.union1d(nms_keep, class_keep) print("{:22}: {} -> {}".format(dataset_val.class_names[class_id][:20], keep[ixs], class_keep)) keep = np.intersect1d(keep, nms_keep).astype(np.int32) print("\nKept after per-class NMS: {}\n{}".format(keep.shape[0], keep))
# Show final detections ixs = np.arange(len(keep)) # Display all # ixs = np.random.randint(0, len(keep), 10) # Display random sample captions = ["{} {:.3f}".format(dataset_val.class_names[c], s) if c > 0 else "" for c, s in zip(roi_class_ids[keep][ixs], roi_scores[keep][ixs])] visualize.draw_boxes( image, boxes=proposals[keep][ixs], refined_boxes=refined_proposals[keep][ixs], visibilities=np.where(roi_class_ids[keep][ixs] > 0, 1, 0), captions=captions, title="Detections after NMS", ax=get_ax())

Stage 3: Generating Masks

This stage takes the detections (refined bounding boxes and class IDs) from the previous layer and runs the mask head to generate segmentation masks for every instance.

3.a Mask Targets

These are the training targets for the mask branch

display_images(np.transpose(gt_mask, [2, 0, 1]), cmap="Blues")

3.b Predicted Masks

# Get predictions of mask head mrcnn = model.run_graph([image], [ ("detections", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_detection").output), ("masks", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_mask").output), ]) # Get detection class IDs. Trim zero padding. det_class_ids = mrcnn['detections'][0, :, 4].astype(np.int32) ### 只能是4 det_count = np.where(det_class_ids == 0)[0][0] det_class_ids = det_class_ids[:det_count] print("{} detections: {}".format( det_count, np.array(dataset_val.class_names)[det_class_ids]))
# Masks det_boxes = utils.denorm_boxes(mrcnn["detections"][0, :, :4], image.shape[:2]) det_mask_specific = np.array([mrcnn["masks"][0, i, :, :, c] for i, c in enumerate(det_class_ids)]) det_masks = np.array([utils.unmold_mask(m, det_boxes[i], image.shape) for i, m in enumerate(det_mask_specific)]) log("det_mask_specific", det_mask_specific) log("det_masks", det_masks)
display_images(det_mask_specific[:] * 255, cmap="Blues", interpolation="none")
display_images(det_masks[:] * 255, cmap="Blues", interpolation="none")

Visualize Activations

In some cases it helps to look at the output from different layers and visualize them to catch issues and odd patterns.

# Get activations of a few sample layers # Get activations of a few sample layers activations = model.run_graph([image], [ ("input_image", tf.identity(model.keras_model.get_layer("input_image").output)), ("res2c_out", model.keras_model.get_layer("res2c_out").output), ("res3c_out", model.keras_model.get_layer("res3c_out").output), # ("res4w_out", model.keras_model.get_layer("res4w_out").output), # for resnet100 ("rpn_bbox", model.keras_model.get_layer("rpn_bbox").output), ("roi", model.keras_model.get_layer("ROI").output), ])
# Input image (normalized) _ = plt.imshow(modellib.unmold_image(activations["input_image"][0],inference_config))
# Backbone feature map display_images(np.transpose(activations["res2c_out"][0,:,:,:4], [2, 0, 1]), cols=4)
# Backbone feature map display_images(np.transpose(activations["res3c_out"][0,:,:,:4], [2, 0, 1]))
# Histograms of RPN bounding box deltas plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3)) plt.subplot(1, 4, 1) plt.title("dy") _ = plt.hist(activations["rpn_bbox"][0,:,0], 50) plt.subplot(1, 4, 2) plt.title("dx") _ = plt.hist(activations["rpn_bbox"][0,:,1], 50) plt.subplot(1, 4, 3) plt.title("dw") _ = plt.hist(activations["rpn_bbox"][0,:,2], 50) plt.subplot(1, 4, 4) plt.title("dh") _ = plt.hist(activations["rpn_bbox"][0,:,3], 50)
# Distribution of y, x coordinates of generated proposals plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.title("y1, x1") plt.scatter(activations["roi"][0,:,0], activations["roi"][0,:,1]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.title("y2, x2") plt.scatter(activations["roi"][0,:,2], activations["roi"][0,:,3])